MIRACLE: An extraordinary inspiring event that can't be explained by natural or scientific laws.

“There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.” Albert Einstein may or may not say this famous quote. Regardless of who said, it is a matter of an individual's perspective and how to interprete unexplainable events. We view our existance on this planet as a great miracle and are trying to find messages behind it by painting miracles recorded in the Bible.

We believe "Foregiveness" is the highest virtue of human being yet it is the most challenging action to take. “If you forgive others their transgressions, your heavenly Father will forgive you” (Mt 6:14).

Life is like sailing out to a great ocean where you will be tossed on waves and be pushed by winds. You definitely encounter many storms but be courageous and be patient with your partner. You must help each other for you both will cross the ocean at the end.

Paul Valéry

“Le vent se lève! . . . il faut tenter de vivre! L'air immense ouvre et referme mon livre, La vague en poudre ose jaillir des rocs! ...